Next week, our new gardener will be starting. His name is Paul and he visited us a couple of days ago to discuss the possibility of his working with us. He has agreed and I’m mightily relieved as we can’t keep up with it. Perhaps if we worked all day everyday we could get it under control, but there are lots of other things that we want to do, so the help will be much appreciated.
Paul suggested that we do it in small steps rather than trying to tackle everything at once. He’s completely right and it’s the overwhelming whole that puts me off when I walk around our once-lovely garden. So next week he’s going to start on the bed beside the back patio.
The pictures above are of that bed. They are the “befores” and I’ll post some “afters” in a week or so. The bed hassome interesting plants, but they’ve been overwhelmed by plants that didn’t ought to be there. I don’t call them weeds because they would be just fine in other parts of the garden, but they’ve seeded themselves about and they’re taking over and smothering the more ornamental things that we have in that bed.
This weekend, we’re working on our first set of instructions for Paul. I’m writing him an email because, unfortunately, I work at Scrappies on the day he’ll be working here. My letter will be my next post.