Office Cleanup

boosted-coloursEvery now and then, the mess in my office gets overwhelming.  I can’t find anything, I throw things about and stuff piles up so I can hardly get into the room.  I reached that point this morning, so had a bit of a tidy.



Classic FM is having an all-day Mozart fest so I’ve got the music playing and I’m working away. There are still lots of piles about.  That’s the way I work.  If it’s filed, I’ve forgotten it, so it has to be piled so I’ll find it again later!

While tidying I started putting away the wreckage of this terms art-work.  Pastels are back in pots, brushes have been washed and paintings put into my box of work.  I took pictures of the ones I like best and then played with them on the computer – boosting colours, adding contrast, straightening and cropping, etc.  The photos look a lot better than the originals, so I’ve included them in this post.

contrastmoonNow it’s time to start going through my “Arts Festival Pending” e-mail folder to get some jobs done before tomorrow’s committee meeting.

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